Smoking Is Harmful For Health

Effect in Human

It has not been widely established, unlike other addictions, which smoking causes serious psychological disturbances, apart from the impulse or need to consume and how hard it is abandoned.

Cigarette smoke contains lots of toxic substances, including carbon monoxide (CO). CO has high affinity for hemoglobin, red blood cell component that carries oxygen to the tissues, so that red blood cells of smokers lose 15% of the oxygen carrying capacity. This can injure the heart and circulatory system. Can be found also other gases such as nitrous oxide and hydrogen oxide, responsible for cough and restrict the flow of air through the bronchi. Tar is a carcinogen that causes absolute and encourages the development of various tumors.

Nicotine produces an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output and oxygen consumption in the tissues.
The risk of lung cancer is 10 times higher in a smoker, and heavy smokers (2 or more packs per day) the risk is 15 to 25 times higher.
The children of smoking mothers weigh less at birth compared to infants of nonsmokers.


Currently there are a variety of interventions to help the smoker to quit their habit, many of whom have better long-term, between 6 and 12 months. Numerous studies have demonstrated that treatment approaches that incorporate behavior change of the person are those that offer a greater chance of success.

Lately it has incorporated the use of nicotine replacement therapies in the form of gums and patches.

For treatment to be effective must be met in three stages:
• Commitment to quit and setting goals.
• Initial change: mainstay of treatment includes group therapy, nicotine replacement, behavioral management techniques and relaxation, individual follow-up, etc..
• Maintenance of quitting: mainly ready to face the withdrawal symptoms, as many of those who relapse have at least one symptom of nicotine withdrawal

The latter is very important because it is responsible for 70% of those who quit falls in the same year.

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