Note this is a copy & paste method. If you wish to type your own language directly wherever you want then try our below linked advanced tutorial.
Are you amazed seeing people using their own language to sending e-mails, posting their thoughts as articles in blogs, websites, social network status (like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Orkut etc.,)..?
Don’t be amazed… you can also learn the method in a easy and simple way…!
I think this much of intro is enough… Let me guide you the in a very easy tutorial with understandable screen snaps….
For this, you do not need to go typing class, no need to remember keyboard layout, no need any previous experience and no need to crash your brain.
Only one eligibility is needed, that is a little bit of English knowledge and a little typing knowledge in English is a must.
Type the word what’s in your mind in English and get the same transformed into your language. Amazed..??!! That’s called Transliteration!
You can use this method not only to type in Tamil. You can also use this lesson to learn How to type also in many other Indian languages like Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Urdu etc.,
Lets Start the Guide
Method 1 (Type, copy, paste it anywhere as you wish):
Just navigate to
You must see a Window like this..